Hello All, What is happening is not only Bad for Hindi Speaking States, it is bad for an Integrated India also. While it is painful to see such incidents(humiliating too, i saw the first agitation when i was in Mumbai and stayed in Dadar Cateting college which is near to Raj Thakrey's house)  , THE BASIC QUESTION REMAINS - WHY WE ARE NOT AS DEVELOPED AS OTHER STATES? It is high time, we should question the Politicians why there are no plans to bring industries to our states? and the bigger questions to all of us: ARE WE READY TO CHANGE OUR OWN FATE OR WE WOULD CONTINUE TO LIVE WITH THE SOCIAL MALLIASE OF OUR OWN STATES? Are we going to elect a person who has some thought of development of comman man or would we continue with our own hidden agenda which seems to cater only a narrow self benefit? Raj is not the real threat, the real threat is we ourselves. Still there is no unity among us. You take the case of Sikh agitation in Mumbai...which showed their might in Mumbai...Do we have such unity? Regards, Avinash. |