Dear Friends, The entire moderating team would like to wish everyone in Jharkhand Forum a very great year ahead!!! Have a good 2009! With warm regards, Jharkhand Forum Team Amitabh Thakur & Nutan Thakur Dear Friend, A very happy New Year to you and your entire family. May the year 2009 prove to be a milestone in your life and career, bringing laurels, boons and happiness all along. May every day turn out to be even better than the previous one so much so that life turns into a long and blissful sojourn meandering gently, smoothly and mesmerizing all through. Amitabh Thakur, Nutan Thakur SP (Intll), Editor, Faizabad Nutan Satta Pravah, # 94155-34526 Lucknow (NB- Some of us don't know each other but good wishes are always welcome, aren't they?) Hari Sankar Rout Dear Friends. Happy Christmas & New Year Greetings from SWATI, Paburia. Your sincerely Er. Hari Sankar Rout Secretary, SWATI, At-Malerimaha, Po-Paburia Dist-Kandhamal, Orissa-762112 G K Agrawal WISH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY A VERY HAPPY & PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR OF 2 0 0 9
Best Regards G K Agrawal M Com., LL B., CAIIB Ex- ED NABARD Rural and Micro-Finance Consultant and Advocate Resi: 401/402 LE CHATEAU Sharatchandra Chatterji Road ( 10th Road ) Santacruz (West), Mumbai 400 054 Tel nos: (Res) 0 22 67 100 493 Mob: 0 98 2132 0852 GANESH REDDY MAY THE NEW YEAR BRINGS PROSPERITY, SOUND HEALTH AND HAPPINESS IN EVERYONE'S LIVES................. WITH EACH DAY AS A SWEET SURPRISE.......... BEST WISHES FROM: GANESH REDDY AND ALL OF US IN Citizens Foundation 7, Betar kendra, Ranchi - 834002 0651- 2481777 (FAX), 3205777 Kaveri / Kalpana and Raja Dear Brothers and Sisters, We wish you a happy and prosperous New Year. Let this New Year brings you a lot of good news, good energy, bright future to you. Let us all welcome this New Year with full of love for us to live in Peace. With prayer and peace. Kaveri / Kalpana and Raja Dr.L.Raja Reader/Assistant Director Gandhigram Rural University, Gandhigram - 624 302, Dindigul Dist, Tamilnadu. Phone. 0451-2452371-5 COMMON CONCERN FAMILY, ORISSA GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES TO ALL FOR 2009 MAY IT GIVE AND SYNERGISE EVERY BODY COURAGE AND POWER TO PROTECT OUR DEMOCRACY, SECULARISM, SOCIALISTIC MISSION AND HUMAN RIGHTS LET THERE BE PEACE AND HARMONY YOURS' SINCERELY, COMMON CONCERN FAMILY Satyabhama DEAR FRIENDS, A VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR 2009 satyabhama vasudha mahila manch Biswajit Padhi Happy New Year from SRUSTI family Dr. Phiroz A. Poonawala Dear Sir
Happy and prosperous 2009 Phiroz
Dr. Phiroz A. Poonawala President, Holistic Turnaround Management Foundation, P.0.Box 1213 Hadapsar, Pune 4110013 India Pradeepta Friends, OSSA wishes you all 'Happy New Year-2009'. Regards Pradeepta For OSSA  __._,_.___
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