kadey soren hi all, I don't feel any shame on what i m. I don't undestand, why on the depiction of Film is a huge slap on India. Its rather truth which everyone has to accept willingly or forcefully.. with regards kadey soren anand srivastava I think the what film depicts is a reality/fiction as experienced,understood and envisioned by the film's creative division. There can be hundred different realities/fiction as epxerienced and visioned by another human being. And after all it is a film and instead of making such a hue and cry about it, there are much more poressing problems that needs to be dealt with. To start with, say poverty and why don't we start working on that instead of crucify the people who showed a certain impoverished side of India. The life in slums are very difficult and life on the streets for million of children remain difficult while me and you keeping arguing on this and disqualify the hard life experienced by millions of children and slum dwellers of this country. We should be cautious that we donot romaticise the experiences of the slum dwellers and project it as a relaity highly enjoyed by the people. The slums are unsafe places, with poverty, crimes and other hardships of life. When the rains hit Mumbai every year, the slums are some of the worst nightmares and we can really rethink on the romantic ideas of the slums and community living. We can keep on saying that poverty has decreased by so and so %, but the reality is that India is largely a poor counry and unless we face that we will never try to overcome and change this reality. Instead of attacking the film, attack poverty and change the reality of India so that we can really show to the world a growing, thriving India trying to find solutions to poverty and other development challenges instead of crying hoarse that poverty is not that rampant in India. Who are we kidding? India has malls and flyovers but how many reach the rural India? how many really have electricity in India? Sitting in Delhi, we can acute shortages of water, electricity then one can think of rural India.... Let's fight this, intead of the film... Prita  __._,_.___
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