This is with regards to the incidence as happened to Sri Saugata Chatterjee of B'lore in which he has not only narrated the facts of the incidence but has also made his solemn vow to stand up and take its culprits to their logical conclusion. It was heart-rendering to go thru this incidence which as it says, is the real-life story of a B'lore based young and active person who had to go thru a most horrid experience in one of the most educated and developed cities of our nation. That such events and such brutal happenings still do take place in the heart of the sophisticated metropolis is like an eye-opener to all of us, particularly to higher police officers like me in the Indian Police Service, safely ensconced in our well-guarded and nicely preserved empires. But what seems to be no less relevant is the experience this person had to go through vis-à-vis the police organization in and out of the police station. When one comes to think of men like Thimmappa and Vittal, we do start feeling ashamed and perturbed who, as the story says, played a rather poor and undistinguished role in the time of dire need, where the occasion required immediate and positive response. But at the same time, there are policemen like Ajay whose actions and attitude made such a pleasant and soothing mark on this bruised person's heart, which also proves the fact that people are willing to lap, clap and appreciate the policemen if we are reciprocating in our own expected manner. Everyone of the police force has his/her own lessons to learn and guidelines to take from this incidence where this one person, Saugata so boldly and courageously came forward for the sake of justice, at the same time praising and condemning the policemen as he felt they deserved. This is a lesson we need to harp upon again and again.
Amitabh Thakur
Roopa Sharma Devdasi was a very big and widespread form of social evil prevalent in temples. Drawing parallels between two systems without proper scrutiny is not done. A number of school girls are subjected to abuse in state run boarding schools, women are sexually abused in Nari niketans, school and teachers tend to use girls in return of giving them pass marks, even in ashrams we hear of such stories sometimes. ALl these systems or the abused women do not become devdasis.Because these are stray cases. THese are not the norms. THese happen once in a while.
Such careless use of words can put every woman be it a nurse or a woman pilot returning home at night or a call centre employee.....can all be slapped in the face with such comments.In that case all our social welfare instituitions, committed NGO workers or social workers of big organisations would be looked at through the same eye lens.  __._,_.___
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