William Kisku Dear All "I wish that the Indian Government would pay the Indian Police a fair day's wage for a fair day's work so that they do not have to supplement their income from dishonourable sources" I am led to believe that our Government pays the police force a meagre salary because the Govt is fully aware of the additional "income" that these police earn in terms of bribe. Infact I have heard that in some circles the " bribe" is shared by all in the area.( police station)... similar to TIPS being shared by the waiters in a 5 star hotels !!! I am very sure that our genes have to do something with our desire to offer and accept bribes. It is certainly nothing to do with our APL / BPL staus, or state of origin/ caste, religion or creed. Some career circles have higher chance of having this "bribe gene" such as police, lawyers, train ticket examiners, and goverment officials at all levels, proportionate to their hieachy in the system and politicians at ALL levels. Any scientist who can disprove me will be nominated for a igNoble prize. William Kisku Manoj Padhi Personally, I have come across at least 4 or 5 police inspectors; all are useless and good for nothing.
Why ? When a crime is committed, there is a criminal. In 2006, there was an armed burglary in our residence and my parents were bruised and battered by armed miscreants. 1.5 Lakhs worth jewellery and cash was robbed.
Then, after informing CM and forensic people came from BBSR;SP Mr. Rajesh Singh visited and once officer was deputed to investigate. When I called him after a week, he was evasive and non-committal. There were leads which were not explored. When my parents inquired about the case status, my brother-in-law was summoned to police station couple of times in suspicion and finger print was taken, just to send us a message - "Don't inquire about this case any more". The message was - if you will inquire - we will harass your son-in-law.
My parents, seeing this घुस खोर, useless and idiot police , wondered whether they will laugh or cry.
Mr. Thakur, being a senior police officer, must be aware of such inefficient cops. If he doesn't mind, can he apprise in public (if it doesn't affect his job), whether there is any mechanism: 1. to monitor FIR filed Vs 'Cases solved' - the ratio 2. If a case is closed without nabbing the culprit (99% cases), whether they inform the victim about their inefficiency ?
As long as the above two is not demonstrated by any COP, I hate to call him a good or honest cop.
I mean no offence to any one, but I never find any 'human cop'. Unfortunately I am an engineer; but I think had I been a cop, I would have put my best effort made my area 99% trouble free by torturing the criminals and solving the criminal cases by soliciting help from the best criminal experts. I am sure because there is passion in my heart to do it. The same passion would have helped to stop the "UPURI" (gift for children's sweet) of my subordinates from liquor traders and thieves.
The root cause of police inefficiency is there is no urge or passion left with any cops. All are compromised by the 'UPURI' syndrome.
Thanks Manoj Padhi  __._,_.___
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