Manoj Padhi
Hindus believe that Lord Ram was a great admirer of people's view. He even didn't hesitate to banish his beloved wife. Of course, he did rule over Hindus and had to slain the culprit 'Rakshasas' for the sake of truth & righteous.
What is wrong in promising a Ram Rajya. The other parties shy away because they are not Hindus technically although write it as their religion in MP/MLA nomination papers.
1)Like we say 'We are proud to be Indians - since 1947 2)We also way we are proud to be Bharatiyas -> since King Bharata established Bharatvarsh 3) We also say that we are proud to be Hindus or Sanatana Dharmis since eternity.
Can Muslims and Christians say the 2 and 3 .
No. They will stop at 1. Hence please understand the Kingdom of Ram before commenting upon him.
Thanks Manoj Padhi
Dr. Alam Dear distinguished members,
We should call for support to role models who have been the votary of equity and justice. Though, King Ramachandra is reckoned to be an ideal man, obedient son but he is not accepted as a person who through following Mahrshi Vashish killed Shambhook, a so called Shudra Rishi seeking realisation of his birth right for practicing tapasya for the pleasure of the Creator of universes. Dalits do not consider King Ramachandra a role model. Muslims support some of the attributes and not all. Indegenous groups may not support him for his act of killing Shambhook. Justice loving men and women among Hindus have no respect for several of the deeds of King Ramachandra. I wonder, why BJP is not searching another role model who are just and accepted by all.
Dr.Muhammad Mukhtar Alam
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