1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The State of Orissa with a geographical area of 15.57 million ha. has a population of nearly 36.71 million (2001 census). The recorded forest area in the state stands at 58136.87 Sq.Km, which accounts for 37.34% of the geographical area. The forests are concentrated mostly in central, Southern and Western parts of the State. . 1.2 Forests occupy an important position in the economy of the State, particularly among rural and tribal masses. It contributes towards their food security and day-to-day livelihood. The pressure on forests for fuel wood, small timber and grazing in most places is much more than the carrying capacity of forests. Hence the forests are prone to the threat of degradation. 2. ADMINISTRATIVE SET UP: 2.1. The Forest and Environment Department in the State operates through a number of departmental formations and autonomous bodies. The field formations under the Forestry set up are organized under the forest, Wildlife, and Kendu Leaf Wings. The Orissa Forest Development Corporation (O.F.D.C.) Ltd acts as the commercial wing of the Department and discharges the function of disposing of various forest produce, viz, Kendu Leaf, timber, bamboo. It also supplies timber, bamboo and firewood to the public through over 171 depots run by it. 2.2. Forest & Wildlife Wing- Restructuring of the entire forest field formation has been effected from 1.10.2003 with a view to reducing overlapping functions, improving efficiency and integrating all forestry functions at the Divisional level. This will facilitate forestry extension activities and promotion of participatory forest management. After reorganization, the State has 7 forest Circles and 37 Forest Divisions under the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, 1 Circle and 12 Wildlife Divisions with territorial jurisdiction and Nandankanan under the Chief Wildlife Warden and Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife). Besides, there are 3 Circles and 19 Kenduleaf Divisions under Addl .Principal Chief Conservator of Forests(KL) engaged in collection and processing of Kendu Leaves. There are 8 working plan Divisions, one Forest Resources Survey Division, and two Silviculture Divisions looking into preparation of working plans, resource inventory and forest research respectively. There are five training institutions, viz. one Forest Rangers’ Training College, one Forester Training School at Champua, two Forest Guards Training Schools at Angul and G-Udayagiri and Social forestry training and Research Institute, Bhubaneswar. There are 221 Forest Rangers, 60 Wildlife Ranges in the State for protection & management of forest and Wildlife. Besides there are 165 K.L.Ranges have been formed in the State for collection and processing of Kenduleaves. 2.3 The Environment Wing – The Environment Wing of the erstwhile Science, Technology and Environment Department became part of the Forest and Environment Department in October,1990. The Environment Wing does not have any field formations. Besides, the Directorate of Environment, the State Pollution Control Board constitutes the main agency of the Government. A Chilika Development Authority has been set up for the eco-restoration of Chilika Lake. The Regional Plant Resources Centre (R.P.R.C.) is an unique institution devoted to ex situ preservation and development of plant genetic resources of the State and development and application of micro propagation technologies. A Centre for Environment Studies has been created during 2000-2001 by the State Government with the objective of disseminating environmental-linked information and creation of environmental awareness, and taking up need based studies and consultancy assignments in the field of environmental impact assessment and environmental management plans. 3. STATE OF THE FORESTS 3.1 The State has a recorded forest area of about 58,136.869 Sq.Kms. with the following classifications:- Reserve Forests | 26329.12 Sq.Kms. | Demarcated Protected Forest | 11,687.079 Sq.Kms. | Undemarcated Protected Forest | 3,838.78 Sq.Kms. | Unclassed forest | 20.55 Sq.Kms. | Other forests under the control of Revenue Department. | 16261.34 Sq.Kms. | Total: |  58,136.869 Sq.Kms. | 3.2 According to the State of Forests Report, 2005 published by the Forest Survey of India, Dehradun the actual Forest cover in the State is 48, 374 Sq.Kms. which constitutes 31.07% of States geographical area. Out of this (i)Very Dense Forest(with crown density above 70%) | 538 Sq.Kms. | (ii) Moderately dense cover Forest(Canopy density 40%to 70%) | 27,656 Sq.Kms. | (iii) Open Forest (with crown density of 10-40%) | 20,180 Sq.Kms. | Tree cover outside forests area assessed separately is 45,89 Sq.Kms. 3.3. Thus, while the recorded forest area constitutes about 37.34% of the total Geographical area of the State, actual forest cover exists over only 31.07 % of the Geographical area. National forest policy has mandated that 33% of geographical area should under forest cover. The Department has been constantly endeavouring to protect the forest areas and regenerate the degraded forests. 3.4 The Revenue receipts from different sources during 2007-08 is targeted at Rs. 150 crores . 4. FOREST PROTECTION 4.1 With growing population there has been tremendous pressure on the forests both for forest produce as well as for forest lands. Consequent upon reorganization during the year 2003, the State is divided into 281 (221 Forest and 60 Wildlife) Ranges, 1001 Sections and 3674 Beats. The average forest area per Beat comes to 15.82 Sq .Kms. for a Forest Section, 58.07 Sq .Kms. and for a Range 206.88 Sq.Kms. which is considered to be quite high from the management point of view. 4.2 Illegal removal of forest produces is largely confined to some vulnerable areas, such as the forests on the basin of River Mahanadi spread over Sambalpur, Angul, Cuttack, Nayagarh and Boudh districts, Similipal Forests in Mayurbhanj district, the forests of Rayagada, Koraput and Malkangiri Districts in Orissa- Andhra Pradesh Border and the forest corridor in the Inter State Orissa-Jharkhand and Orissa- Chhatishgarh Border. 4.3 The Forest Department has been keeping a close vigil over forest offences and taking action to bring the offenders to book. During 2007-08 as per the figures reported up to November,2007 the forest offence cases booked offenders involved, timber and forest produce seized and approximate value thereof cases booked under Section 56 of Orissa Forest Act, 1972 ( Amended ) and put to confiscation proceedings in the state are as follows: 2007-08 ( Upto November,2007) 1. | Total Number of forest offence cases booked | - | 47,176 | 2. | Number of offenders involved | - | 41,638 | 3 | Number of offenders arrested | - | 2339 | 4. | Quantity of timber seized (cum) | - | 3775 cum | 5. | Approximate Value of timber seized(lakh rupees) | - | Rs. 438 lakhs/- | 6. | Number of vehicles seized U/s-56 of Act, 1972 | - | 2343 | 4.4. 19 Units of APR Forces have been deployed in different Forest and Wildlife Divisions of the State for the purpose of Forest protection. These 19 units comprise of 260 Nos. of Police Personnel including 20 S.Is., 14 A.S.Is is, 19 Havildars and 207 Constables. In addition, the Central Reserve Police Force (C.R.P.F.) has been deployed in the Dhuanali and Barbara of Reserve Forest area of Khurda Forest Division which is a patch of rich and unique Forest with Teak Plantations from the pre-independence times. The experience has been encouraging. 4.5. 265 Forest Check gates have been established in the State to regulate the transit of forest produce. 739 VHF sets have been installed in different territorial ranges. Sections and other vulnerable area. Besides, 408 Guns and 104 Revolvers have also been supplied to the field staff.. 4.6. In addition to the above measures, the State has also adopted the policy of Joint Forest Management (JFM) and has involved the local villagers in protection and management of the degraded forests. A scheme to reward villagers as well as departmental personnel for detection of forest offences and preventing theft is an innovative concept already introduced in the State and implementation of the same has already commenced. 4.7 A new scheme of intensified protection of vulnerable forest belt is proposed to start during 2008-09 wherein 30 such belts vulnerable to theft and smuggling will be identified in 30 forest divisions ( 1 in each division) and intensified protection will be accorded to such belts employing rural/ tribal youths. 5. JOINT FOREST MANAGEMENT: 5.1. One of the salient features of the National Forest Policy (1988) is to actively associated the people in the protection, conservation and management of the forests. The State Government is wedded to a policy of promoting participation of local village communities in protection and management of degraded forest. In August,1988, the State Government brought out a resolution to formally introduce a scheme of protection of peripheral reserve forests with participation of the people of adjoining villages. These guidelines have been fine-tuned from time to time, ending with September 1996 Resolution. 5.2. In accordance with the 1993 JFM Resolution of the Government, 10,504 Nos. of Vana Sarankhyan Samities (VSS) are functioning in the State for protecting and regenerating an area about 9560 Sq.Kms. degraded forests through Joint Forest Management. 6. PLANTATION PROGRAMME : 6.1 . According to the Forest Survey of India’s present forest cover in the State is 31% as against 33% of the total geographical area mandated by the National Forest Policy, 1988 . There is thus an imperative need to accelerate efforts for afforestation and regeneration of the degraded forests for achieving the mandated 33% forest cover. 6.2. During 2007-2008 the afforestation programme has been implemented in the State under different State Plan, Central Plan and other Schemes over a total area of 59,127 ha. Out of this 695 ha. has been covered under Revised Long Term Action Plan ( RLTAP) besides preparatory activities over 11,780 ha for plantation during 2008-09. Afforestation over 18,260 ha under 12th Finance Commission Grant and 4200 ha under Economic Plantation have also been taken up during 2007-08. Besides above, Afforestation under different district level schemes under NREGS etc. sponsored by DRDA are also taken up. 6.3. During the year 2007-08 Afforestation activities have been under taken on integrated mico Watershed basis in K.B.K. district. The components implemented are afforestation under JFM Mode, livelihood option creations including medicinal plantation, bio-diesel karanja plantation and economy plantation. Being a new programme only economic plantation over 695 ha was under taken during 2007-08. Preparatory activities including Nursery raising were done for undertaking planting over 11,780 ha during coming monsoon season. At every plantation site Vana Samrakshana Samities have been formed and peoples participation ensured. Livelihood options have also been created in the villages around forest to reduce the Biotic pressure on forest. 6.4 The major achievement during 2007-08 and programme for 2008-09 is summarized below: Scheme | Components | Achievement 2007-08 | Planning for 2008-09 | Economic plantation/ RDF | Block plantation | 1,200 ha | 900 ha | RDF | 3,000 ha | 3,100 ha | 12th Finance Commission grant | Rehabilitation WC | 27,860 ha | Maintenance & Subsidiary Silvi Op. in Timber coupes:30,000 ha. | Plantation WC | 3,345 ha | Bamboo WC | 2,000 ha | High Tech. Nursery | 4 | Bamboo coupes: 44,000 ha. | KBK Plantation | 1. Affn. JFM Mode | Prep | ANR-4,000 & AR-2,375 ha | 2. Medicinal Plant including livelihood option creation | Prep | 1,000 ha. | 3. Biodiesel Karanj plantation | Prep | 3,350 ha | 4. Economic pltn. | 695 ha. | 1,055 ha. | NAP | RDF/ANR | 13,398 ha | 18,360 ha | Block Plantation | 1,148 ha | | Compensatory Afforestation | Block pltn. | 1,098 ha | 1,235 ha. | RDF | 2,577 ha. | 2,829 ha. | NREGS & others | Block pltn. | | Wide scale labour intensive activities under NREGS | RDF | 2,806 ha | Ave.Pltn. | 101 RKM | CAMPA | RDF | 0 | 40,000 ha. | OFSDP | RDF/ANR | Prep | 49,3000 ha | Block Pltn. | 13,200 ha. | Econ. Pltn. | 6,300 ha. | Coastal Pltn. | 937 ha. | Total: | | 59,127 ha + 101 RKM | 1,47,941 ha. | 6.5 Orissa State Vanaspati Van Society: Under Orissa State Vanaspati Van project,3000 hectares of In-situ conservation of medicinal plants has been maintained during 2007-08. OSVVS is functioning since 2003-04 for cultivation and preservation of medicinal seedlings and other activities of the forest at both sides of Gandhamardhan hils i.e. Nrusinghanath and Harishankar. This project is for 5 years i.e. 2003-04 to 2007-08 with a financial outlay of Rs. 500 lakhs. Till November,2007 an amount of Rs. 205 lakhs have been released and 175 lakhs has been spent. Under this programme 200 ha of in-situ preservation 3,000 ha in –situ conservation, 40 ha of ex-situ demonstration plot and capacity building in 25 VSS, have been achieved. 6.6 Forest Development Agency: During the 10th Plan period the erstwhile afforestation schemes under central Plan or central sector Plan have not been sponsored by government of India. The Ministry of Environment & forests, Government of India under National afforestatin Programme ( NAP) Schemes have adopted an integrated approach for forest conservation and the development of the community living in the forest fringes by ensuring convergences on the flow of funds under Central Plan scheme in the forestry sector through forest Development Agency ( FDA) constituted in the forest Divisions. Accordingly, FDAs have been constituted in 41 forest divisions and two wildlife divisions. Out of this, 39 forest and wildlife divisions have received sanction of 40 proposals with total no. of 1565 VSS ( Baliguda FDA has two projects, one normal land another for Jhum cultivation). Project based on micro-plans for development of areas assigned to each VSS was prepared and submitted to Government of India for funding. Ministry of Environment & forests, Govt. of India had cleared all the 40 proposals and sanctioned funds to the tune of Rs. 69.74 crores. Total 55831 ha afforesttion was taken up during 2003-04 to 2007-08. Against the total release till September,2007 of Rs. 51.91 crores, an expenditure of Rs. 48.84 crores have been undertaken for the said works. During 2007-08, phase-II proposals in respect of 30 FDs have been sanctioned. These FDs have implemented the afforestation programme during 2007-08 and made preparation for 2008-09 planting. This year during 2007-08 total 18.360 ha plantation has been achieved under the above programme. 6.7 Besides, the above plantation programme forest & Wildlife Wing have also produced 50 lakh of seedlings in 500 decentralized nurseries which are sold by beneficiaries to the public/ organizations. Out of these 39 lakhs seedling are disposed off. the growers have reinvested the sale value for nursery raising during the year, besides maintaining the balance seedlings. This year another 50 lakh seedlings are being raised for utilization during July,2008 moonsoon season. 7. Compensatory Afforestation:- A number of development activities in different sectors like Irrigation, Mining, Railway,s Roads, etc. of economy area also in progress. These development projects involves diversion of forest land for non-forestry purpose. In the state of Orissa since 1980 up to December’2007, 336 Nos. of project proposals under different Sectors have been approved by the Government of India, Ministry of Environment and Forests Department under Forest (Conservation) Act involving diversion of 34,692.32 hect. of forest land. The Government of India while according approval, have stipulated for undertaking compensatory afforestation in lieu of forest areas diverted for non-forestry purpose. Various agencies have deposited Rs.67 crores towards the cost of Compensatory Afforestation. Till 1.1.2008, compensatory Afforestation have been raised over an area of 33,472 hect. Of forest land and non-forest land. 8. Settlement in Forests and Diversion of Forest land for different Development Projects: 8.1 For diversion of forest land for different non-forest purpose, prior approval of Government of India under Section 2 of the Forest Conservation Act, 1980 is mandatory. Since inception of the Forest ( Conservation) Act, 1980 so far, 336 nos. of projects belonging to Irrigation, Industry, Mining, Transmission Line, roads, railways and Defence Sectors have been cleared by Government of India under provisions of Forest ( Conservation) Act, 1980 diverting 34,692.320 ha of forest area in total till December,2007. 8.2 Pursuant to commitment of the State Government to regularize the Pre-1980 encroachment/ forest villages in favour of the eligible encroachers, complete proposals in respect of 17 districts involving the case of 3,754 families covering 3328.42 ha of forest land to be settled in their favour have been sent to Government of India for their approval, under the provision of Forest ( Conservation) Act, 1980 the Government of India Ministry of Environment & Forests have already accorded in principle of approval for regularization of eligible pre-1980 encroachment of 13 districts of the State involving 2051.5188 ha of forest land by which 2323 families will be benefited. Proposals relating to balance 4 districts are under consideration of the Government of India. 9. Research & Training: Forestry research in different forestry related aspects and training to different target groups for technology transfer to the ground level is extremely important. To carry out research activities, Silviculturist Bhubaneswar and Rayagada undertake different programmes as per the drawn research programme. They also supply quality planting materials to the field forest functionaries for enhancing productivity of forest from different high tech nurseries maintained by them. They also provide training to unemployed youth for gardening and grafting to enable them to get self employed. Training activities are mainly organized by the Principal forest Rangers College, Angul, Chief Instructor of forest schools at Champua, G-udaigiri, Ghatikia and Angul for different level of forest staff to acquaint them about recent developments. Conservator of Forests, Development Circle coordinates the research and training activities in the State. 10. Medicinal Plants: The National Medicinal Plants Board has sanctioned 147 Contractual Farming scheme for financial assistance to medicinal plants cultivators in Orissa which were submitted during 2006-07. During this year the SMPB has recommended 7 promotional schemes from different institutions and 3 contractual Farming schemes for SHG groups to NMPB for financial assistance. Herbal garden in 21 schools is in progress during this year. Four schools have been provided with final phase grant during this year. The Board has implemented Medicinal Plant Services programme in 7 revenue districts of the State as a livelihood improvement programme. The P & C Deptt. has further released Rs. 40 lakh during 2007-08 for this programme. The capacity building of different stakeholders such as VSS members, SHG groups, primary collectors and Vaidyas was taken up by Silviculturist through interactive trainings at Bhubaneswar. Business Development manual which was to be prepared in 4 the same has been completed for 3 themes. The Visual guide to medicinal plants in the Wild, Organic Cultivation of medicinal plants and Harvesting, Processing & Marketing of Medicinal Plants in Orissa are the 3 documents which has been printed and published by the Board. The Kalinga Herbal Fair,2008 was organized by the SMPB during 2ndc to 8th February,2008 to provide trade linkage and Brand development through Intellectual Property instrument in the sector, at Bhubaneswar. For providing a platform on trading this State level exhibition or herbal fair was organized. The different stake holders namely Primary gatherers, VSS members, farmers, Vaidyas, Traders, NGOs had interaction during this exhibition. It had demonstrative effect for Good Storage Practice, good Manufacturing Practices for participants and visitors alike. The fair had stalls by 6 Government institution, 16 NGOs, 9 traders, I manufacture from Gwalior and 10 Vaidyas Sangha from 9 different districts. During the fair several seminars/ meets were organized which were attended by 72 NGOs, 200 Vaidyas, , 150 Ayurvedic pharmacies from the State. The seller buyer meet was attended by more than 200 participants from people all over the country. The preparation of action Plan and Strategy paper for Medicinal Plant sector in the State during 11th Five Year Plan has been assigned to one Community Enterprise Forum International, New Delhi during 2007-08. The report is likely to be ready by April,2008. 11. KENDU LEAF TRADE: 11.1 Kendu Leaf (KL)Trade has been Nationalized since, 1973. The Forest Department does the collection, processing, bagging and storage of Kendu Leaves and the Orissa Forest Development corporation Ltd sells them on behalf of the State Government. Kendu Leaf (KL) Trade offers employment opportunities to the Rural Poor.The KL operation includes 7608 collection centers ( Phadies) spread over 23 districts ( Western and Central) for procurement of Kendu Leaves from Pluckers. There are 981 KL Central godowns for storage of Kendu Leaf bags. During 2007 K.L. Crop year 22 Central godowns have been constructed to provide adequate storage capacity. 11.2 During 2007-08 ( 2007 crop year) the target of Kendu Leaf was fixed at 4,36.500 quintals. And the achievement has been 4,45,449 quintals. 7,43,723 pluckers were involved in collection of Kendu leaves. Other K.L. operatins like Bush cutting, Phadi repair and maintenance. Processing and binding of KL have generated 60 lakhs person days. Thus a total of about 141 lakhs persons days were generated during 2007 KL Crop. For transparency of operations Phadi committees have been organized and activated for each collection Centre. The procurement price was enhanced from 21.5 paise to 25 paise per kerry ( bundle comprising 20 leaves) for 2007 KL crop. During 2007 KL crop year Rs. 90.12 lakhs was disbursed to the retired seasonal staff as gratuity. The wages of seasonal staff were also enhanced by 25%. The pluckers numbering 7.44 lakhs involved in collection of kendu leaves have been paid Rs. 27/- each towards a pair of Chappals. 11.3(a) The OFDC Ltd finances the entire operational cost of production and also conducts sale of KL as the sole selling agent of the State Government and Government have earned net revenue Rs. 75.00 crores as on 25.1.2008. (b) During 2007”Kendu Leaf Pluckers and Binding Labourers Welfare Funds” has been set up for the Pluckers and binding labourers engaged in the Kendu Leaves Operation”. If a beneficiary dies during KL operation, his/her legal heir will get Rs. 50,000/-. If a beneficiary will be permanently disabled he/she will get Rs. 25,000/-, Rs. 2,00,000/- has already been disbursed to the Legal heirs of 4 deceased pluckers under this Welfare scheme in the year 2007. 12. WILDLIFE CONSERVATION ACTIVITY: 12.1. Conservation and protection of wildlife and its habitats throughout the State are the main responsibility of this organization with special attention to 20 nos. of notified Protected areas. The protected areas comprise of Bhitarkanika National Park, Similipal Tiger reserve, Ghairmatha Marine Sanctuary and 17 other Wildlife Sanctuaries. These protected areas cover 9009.82 Sq.Km including 1408 Sq.Kms. of the coastal area. The total land area notified as sanctuaries and Nationaol Park is 4.25% of Geographical area of the State. (a) Main strategy of Wildlife Conservation. 1. 10 year Management Plan for all sanctuaries and National Parks are under final stage of preparation. 2. Wildlife Conservation issues are the main strategy in the Forest Management objectives and prescriptions laid down in the Working Plans meant for all the Forest Divisions of the State. 3. A land scape approach being adopted to include the critical wildlife habitats, buffer zones and corridors. 4. Intensive patrolling taken up in the areas with wildlife concentration to curb offences against wild animals. 5. Habitat conservation measures such as preservation of rain water by erecting W.H.S. to provide water during lean period, forest regeneration through incentive based control of forest fire have also been introduced. 6. Specific incentive scheme to motivate local public against forest fire, poaching etc have also been introduced with reward and incentive support. (b) Tiger Conservation. There is a Tiger Reserve named Similipal Tiger Reserve located in Mayurbhanj district. Satkoisa Tiger reserve has also been notified in Angul district. 48 nos. anti-poaching camps involving 167 nos. Sabujvahinee Volunteers are engaged and 7 nos. strike force unit consisting 38 nos. Ex-army personnel deployed in Similipal for which the old age practice of hunting wild animals “ Akhand Shikar” has been completely stopped. To encourage local people, Similipal Eco-Tourism Society has been established to assist tourist in their visit to Similipal. 11,706 nos. tourists including 186 foreigners visited the park during 2006-07. (c) Elephant Management: (i) 54 numbers of anti-poaching and anti-depredation squads have been formed, each squad consists of 4 to 6 local persons under the supervision of 1 or 2 Foresters/ forest Guards, who reach the affected spot quickly and tackle the situation. (ii) 46 nos. of elephant trackers have been engaged who keep regular watch on the movement of elephants and inform the forest officials for taking required action. (iii) In the elephant depredation areas the villagers have been provided with search lights, crackers, loudspeakers etc. to drive away the elephants. (iv) All the pending claims upto 2006-07 for compassionate grants have been cleared. (v) Habitat improvement is done by providing water bodies, fodder plantation, protection from fire etc. (vi) Efforts are taken to contain the elephants by providing trench fencing/stone walls and Solar Electric fencing at sensitive points to prevent the elephants from entering the human habitation. (d) The Physical & Financial achievement position. 1. 225 ha of Mangrove plantations in the Coastal district of the State has been raised this year. This is in addition to 1954.66 ha planted during 2000-01 to 2006-07. 2. Compassionate payments to the victims of wild animal depredation amounting to Rs. 116.00 lakhs from Non-Plan and Rs. 141.95 lakhs from Plan sector is being paid. 3. The Zoo entrance complex, vehicle parking place and numbers of animal enclosures have been renovated/ constructed and made attractive both to the visitors and to the inmates. 4. Migratory birds which have arrived for wintering to the Chilika Lake and the Bhitarkanika wetlands during 2007-08 migration season are estimated to be numbering 8.78 lakhs comprising of 111 species and 1.25 lakhs belonging to 97 species respectively. 5. A total 1516 crocodiles were counted in the river systems of Bhitarkanika and its associated creeks/ rivers during 8th to 14th January,2008. This number ( crocodile population) is 1.26% increase in population in comparison to 2007 January census. 6. For sea turtle’s protection, 45 monitoring cams were set up covering all the nesting beaches. There was mass nesting of 1.46 lakh Olive Ridleys at Gahirmatha rookery. The casualty of turtles in 2006-07 season was 4,046. There was vigorous enforcement of the provisions of law against illegal fishing in turtle congregation areas. A total of 45 fishing vessels including 18 trawlers, 3 gill netters and 24 mechanized boats were seized in this operation during the season, through 84 sea patrolling sorties. Also protection of mass nesting beaches, protection of the hatchling and estimation of the number of mass nesting turtles have been organized systematically. During the current year ( 2007-08), the main protection strategy comprises of (a) patrolling around the congregation zones in the sea for vigorous enforcement of the law and the regulations against illegal fishing activities, and (b) continuous monitoring of the beach segments and all nesting areas through observation posts and patrolling camps. 7. During 2006-07, 90 numbers of wildlife offence cases have been booked and 192 offenders have been arrested and during 2007-08, 57 numbers of wildlife offence cases have been booked and 121 offenders have been arrested. 8. Management Plan for all the protected areas has been prepared to facilitate scientific management of the Sanctuaries and National Parks. Besides wildlife Management Plan for the State (including the non-sanctuary area) and separate Management plan for Wildlife Elephant Management has been prepared to reduce Man-animal conflict. 9. Digitized maps for the Sanctuaries and National Parks on GIS domain being prepared. 10. The infrastructure in Similipal, Chilika ( Part of which is Nalaban Sanctuary) Sunabeda Sanctuary and Kuldiha Sanctuary has been improved to promote eco-tourism. So far as future plan for 2008-09 is concerned, it is proposed to continue with the above for better scientific management and reduced man-animal conflict. 13. ORISSA FOREST DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION: 13.1 (a) The Orissa Forest Development Corporation Limited has taken up 80 coupes working in 13 Forest divisions have approved Working plans. Extraction of timber and firewood from forest by OFDC Ltd in 2007-08 has been estimated to be 22,024 cum and 13,127 MT respectively. The achievement up to December,07 was extraction of 13,046 cum timber and 12,043 MT firewood. From the current year production as well as from balance of previous year production, the Corporation has sold 17,082 cum of timber and 13,971 MT of firewood to public upto December,07. the corporation has paid Rs. 759 lakhs to Government towards the royalty till January,2008. (b) At present 10 Nos. of saw mills ( including two hired) are operated by the Corporation. (c) OFDC Ltd has taken up extraction of harvestable bamboo from forest coupes through Raw Material Procurer ( RMP) appointed by the Government i.e. M/s Ballarpur Industries Ltd ( Sewa) and M/s J.K.Paper Ltd. Employment generation f 4.54 lakh man days on forest working of bamboo from April,2007 to January,2008 have been made with total production of 0.61 lakh MT of bamboo from forests. As on 25.02.2008, the RMPs have harvested 33,605 sale units of bamboo during 2007-08 crop working against the potential target of 1.47 MT. The Corporation has deposited Rs. 230 lakhs towards royalty on bamboo and Rs. 48 lakhs towards silvicultural charges. (d) OFDC Ltd has received 3.60 lakh quintals of processed KL and 0.85 lakh quintals of phal KL in toto 4.45 lakhs quintal KL from the Forest Department, out of the targeted 4.56 lakhs quintal of KL during this year for trading in 2007-08. As on 25.02.2008, OFDC Ltd has sold 4.45 lakhs quintal and has paid Rs. 114.55 crores towards working cost and Rs. 85 crores towards royalty to the Government. (e) Estimated phal KL production of 1,90,000 standard bags for 2008 crop has been projected for advance sale, out of which by now 1,42,700 standard bags have been sold in advance at estimated sale value of Rs. 23.95 crores. (f) OFDC Ltd has taken up re-plantation of cashew over 797 ha in Bhubaneswar (c) and 476 ha. in Berhampur � Division under 50.50 financial grant of Director, Horticulture and Director, cashew nut and Cocoa development Board, Kochi ( Kerala) respectively. OFDC Ltd has also taken up deposit plantation work for Indian Oil Corporation Ltd ( IOCL), Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd ( MCL), Bhub aneswar Municipal Corporation ( BMC), Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd ( HAL), East Coast Railway ( E.Co.Rly), Dhamra Port Company Ltd ( DPCL) etc. alongwith maintenance work upto 3 years. Development of Jayadev Vatika in Khandagiri Hills under financial assistance of Tourism & Culture ( Tourism) Department has also been taken up during 2007-08. Besides, action for raising 1,10,000 tall seedlings for plantatin inBhubaneswar for beautification and greenery of the city has also been initiated. (g) During the year under report, Sal seed to the tune of 305.871 MT has been collected by OFDC Ltd at competitive procurement price and Rs. 26.26 lakhs has been earned by OFDC Ltd. The Corporation is also dealing with production of Honey, Pickles, Resin, Lac and Squash on procurement of raw materials from primary collectors of Adivasis areas. (h) Voluntary Retirement scheme ( VRS) of Public Enterprises Department of Government has been availed by 18 regular and 06 daily wage staff during 2007-08 till last reported. (i) Forest Development Tax of Rs. 26.17 crores on trading of Kendu Leaf, Timber and Bamboo in 2007-08 by OFDC Ltd upto January,2008 has been deposited with the Government in implementation of the Orissa Forest Development ( Tax on sale of Forest Produce by Government or Orissa Forest Development Corporation) Act, 2003. Besides the above, Rs. 9.35 crores has been deposited towards Central Tax, VAT and Entry Tax as on January,2008. BAMBOO MISSION: During 2006-07, the Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture have launched the National Bamboo Mission ( NBM) while the Ministry of Science & technology, Department of Science & Technology have launched the National Mission on Bamboo Application. The National Bamboo Mission has the objective of increasing the potential of bamboo yield, marketing of bamboo and dissemination of technologies for enhancing employment opportunities while the NMBA aims at development, promotion and commercialization of technologies for bamboo based products and its application in different application segments. Having taken note of above developments, the State Government have also set up the Orissa Bamboo Development Agency within the Orissa Forest Development Corporation Ltd who shall be implementing both the above Centrally Sponsored Schemes to bring about optimum utilization of the bamboo resources of the State. The Orissa Bamboo Development Agency is headed by a Mission director. The State Bamboo Steering Committee under the Chairmanship of the Principal secretary, Forest & Environment Department have been constituted. The District Bamboo Development Agency have also been constituted. The District Bamboo Development agency have also been constituted who will oversee, coordinate and control all the activities at the District level for the non-forest areas relating to accelerated growth of bamboo. The FDAs of the District will be taking the lead in carrying out the bamboo growth and development in the forest areas of the District. Annual action plan for bamboo sector development has been formulated with the approval of the Bamboo Steering Committee and submitted to National Bamboo Mission for release of fund. 14.WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME PROJECT: 11.1 A project for providing subsidized food ration to the labourers engaged in the forestry activities for improving their nutritional statues is being implemented by the Department by availing food aid from the World Food Programme of the United Nations. The food commodities are received free at the ports and transported at the departments cost to various work sites. 14.2 The food commodities are utilized in predominantly six tribal districts of the State namely, Kalahandi, Kandhamal, Koraput, Malkangiri, Nawarangpur and Rayagada in the activities like affforestation, bamboo operations and Kendu Leaf binding and processing operations. To avail food ration a labourer is required to voluntarily contribute at the rate of Rs. 9.00 for getting a food packet of 2.5 Kg of Rice and 200 grams of pulses from his daily wage. The generated funds are utilized for meeting needs of the local communities by implementing micro plan projects and creating public infrastructure such as storage godown, drinking water supply facilities, concrete roads inside villages, renovation of ponds and promotion of plisciculture. 14.3 The programme continued during 2006-07,4562.4325 MTG of rice and 274.979 MT of Pulses were utilized under the project till November, 2006. Welfare funds to the tune of Rs. 27,447,689/- were utilized out of generated funds for execution of micro projects as approved by S.L.C.C. The supply of food grains under the World Food Programme is likely to cease during 2008-09. 15. NATIONAL FOOD FOR WORK PROGRAMME(NFFW): 15.1 During 2006-07 (Till December,2006) the department undertook implementation of labour intensive works under National Food For Work Programme by utilizing food grains received from the Central Government as per the perspective plan of the District. Several works such as maintenance of forest roads /boundary, construction of water harvesting structures/ponds, plantation & rehabilitation of degraded forest, distribution of seedlings, etc have been undertaken. To expenditure during 2006-07 upto december,2006 under NFFW is Rs. 48.30 lakhs and food grains 307.145 MT under NREGS programme. The total expenditure upto November,2006 is Rs. 168.79 lakhs and food grain utilized is 182.97 MT against allocation project is Rs. 496.70 lakhs and food grains of 207.67 MT. 16. ENVIRONMENT WING: Environment Wing is the Nodal Agency for environmental management and conservation in the State. Some of the important activities undertaken by environment Wing are: 1. Appellate authorities were constituted under the water ( PCP) Act, 1974, Air ( PCP) Act, 1981 and Bio-Medical waste (M&H) rules,1998 to hear appeals preferred against any order made by the State Pollution Control Board. In the mean time thirteen(13) sittings of the Authorities have been held. Till date, altogether fifty appeals have been filed before the authorities. Out of which, eleve3n numbers of appeals under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and thirty-nine numbers of appeals under the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981. Out of these, eight (8) numbers of appeals under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and twenty-nine (29) numbers of appeals under the air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 have been disposed of by the Authorities. 2 (a) The Orissa State Coastal Zone Management Authority has been constituted by the Government of India to enforce the coastal Zone Management Plan and to monitor violations of coastal Zone Regulations. The Authority in its meeting held on 2910.07 recommended three project proposals involving CRZ areas to MoEF, Govt. of India for environment clearance. Viz. Development of Fish Landing zone at Mirzapur, Reconstruction & extension of Obroi Palm Beach Hotel at Gopalpur-on-sea and construction of G+6 floor whether radar station at Paradeep by Indian Meteorological Deptt. MoEF has already given clearance to the Radar Station at Paradeep. Other two are under consideration of MoEF. Action regarding violation of CRZ normsLCoastal erosion and violations have been studied in & around Puri & Gopalpur by a team of scientist & reported to all concerned station findings and views of Environment Deptt. for necessary action. Central organizations have also been informed of this progress. (b) A “State Project preparation Cell (SPPC)” in the State of Orissa has been established for implementing the Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project (ICZMP) with the assistance of World Bank. As per suggestion of representatives of World Bank & MoEF, detailed project Report for two identified stretches viz. Gopalpur-Chilika and Paradeep-Dhamra are under preparation, which will be submitted to Govt. of India by March, 2008. 3. To encourage the protection of environment, State Govt. have awarded 31 nos. of “PRAKRUTI MITRA” and 30 nos. of “PRAKRUTIBANDHU” Award to voluntary Organizations / villages/National institutions and individuals respectively. Provision for extending this facility to Block level has also been made for 2008-09 to facilitate environmental conservation and protections. 4. State Govt. have notified DFOs/ACFs as Ex-Officio-Environment Officers to enforce the ban on Polythene bags of undesired thickness. Further, the Chief Executive & Addl. Chief Executive of Chilika Development Authority have also been declared as Ex-Officio environment officers for the above purpose to enforce the ban in the Chilika Lake area. Steps have also been taken to giver such powers to the Municipal Commissioners/Executive Officers of different Municipal Commissions/Municipalities & N.A.Cs of the state for enforcing ban in their respective jurisdiction in Urban areas. 5. The Trust namely “ Orissa Environment Management Fund” constituted for the purpose of taking up ameliorative steps for rehabilitations of degraded environment, has decided to 1) Release of Rs.20.00 lakhs initially for development of green cover in Rani Park area in Talcher, Angul (ii) Release of Rs.3000 lakhs initially for pre-planting operation including the nursery development, Survey and pitting etc. for amelioration in Talcher Micro climate and (iii) initial release of Rs.1400 lakhs for nursery development for plantation in and around Jharsuguda Industrial area. The Environment Department has four organizations under its administrative control. (a) State Pollution Control Board, Bhubaneswar (b) Chilika Development Authority, Bhubaneswar (c) Regional Plant Resource, Centre, Bhubaneswar (d) Centre for Environmental Studies, Bhubaneswar. 17. STATE POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD (SPCB): The State Pollution Control Board is responsible for enforcement of the provisions of (i) The Water ( Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, (ii) The Water ( Prevention & control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977, (iii) The Air ( Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 (iv) Rules framed under the Environment ( Protection) Act. (a) The Hazardous Wastes ( Management & Handling) Rules, 1989. (b) The Bio-Medical Wastes ( Management & Handling) Rules, 1998 (c) The Municipal Solid Wastes ( Management & Handling) Rules, 2000 (d)The recycled Plastics Manufacture & Usage Rules, 1999 (e) the Batteries ( Management & Handling) Rules, 2001 (f) The Manufacture, Storage & Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989. Within the frame work of the above Act and Rules, the Board carried out the following activities during 2007-08. A. Industrial Pollution, Abatement and Control through Consent Administration for establishment and before Operation of the Industry. With regard to industrial pollution abatement and control, there has been a significant improvement in the compliance status by the industries through stricter surveillance, monitoring and enforcement by the State Pollution Control Board. (i) The Board has granted consent with stipulation for appropriate pollution measures to 414 industries and mines for establishment, which includes 65 stone crushers. 669 industries and mines stone crushers and mineral based industry have been granted consent to operate. (ii) 34 nos. of public hearings have been conducted for major industrial/mining/development projects which require environmental clearance from Government of India. (iii) Board issued 52 nos. of show cause notice and 18 nos. of closure direction to defaulting industries and 140 nos. ofshow cause notice, 21 closure direction issued to defaulting mines and mineral processing units during April-December, 2007. (iv) In the year 2007, 1048 industrial wastewater/sewage samples, 601 stack emission samples and 1132 ambient air samples ( industrial premises) have been analysed. B. Regulation of Hazardous Wastes Management: 207 hazardous waste generating units have been granted authorization for collection, storage, treatment and disposal of hazardous waste. 12 nos. of units have been issued direction under section 5 of the Environmental protection Act, 1986 to develop engineering land fill sites for management of hazardous waste. C. Management of Bio-Medical Wastes: The Board has granted authorization to 414 Health Care Units (HCU) during 2007 under the Bio-Medical (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998, with conditions for proper management, handling, treatment and disposal of biomedical waste. The Board has filed cases against three defaulting health care units. D. Implementation of the Batteries (Management & Handling) Rules,2001 The Board has instructed the dealers to submit half yearly return to the manufacturers. The industries, Mines and Bulk consumers such as State Road Transport Department, South-Eastern Railway, Post and Telecom Department, Water Resources Department, Works Department and State Electricity Supply Companies (CESCO). WESCO, NESCO and SOUTHCO) have been instructed to comply with the following. (a) Used batteries shall be auctioned to registered recyclers only (Registered with MoEF). (b) Half yearly return to be furnished to the Board in the prescribed format. (c) Record of auction to be maintained. E. Management of Municipal Solid Waste: The board has been pursuing with all District Collectors to expedite the process of identification and allotment of land for municipal solid waste management. The Municipal Administration, H & U.D. Department, Govt. of Orissa have been requested to pursue all ULBs for implementation of the provisions of the Muncipal Solid Waste (M&H) Rules, 2000. Authorisation to operate the waste processing facility is granted to one industry. F. Planning and Monitoring : To plan a comprehensive programme for prevention and control of pollution, the Board has undertaken the following activities during 2007. The Board has started action for preparing a Regional Environment Management Plan for Angul-Talcher-Meramundali Area. Similar study is also proposed for Joda-Barbil area for which steps are being initiated. � Monitoring of Water qualities in 62 stations of 6 major rivers of the state (Mahanadi, Brahmani, Baitarani, Rushikulya, Subarnarekha and Nagavali) . 32 nos. of water quality parameters are being regularly monitored in each of those stations. � Monitoring of ground water quality of three towns (Cuttack, Bhubaneswar and Puri) at 15 stations and at the peripheral areas of NALCO Smelter, Angul and Phosphatic Fertilizer Units at Paradeep to access Fluoride concentration. � Monitoring of ambient air quality in 9 important towns and industrial areas like, Angul, Rourkela,Rayagada, Bhubaneswar, Berhampur, Cuttack, Sambalpur, Keonjhar and Balasore. Air quality is being monitored at 17 stations in the above 9 towns in respect of four parameters namely, Suspended Particulate Matter, Sulphur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxides. � Monitoring of noise pollution level on Deepawali in 9 nos. of cities/ towns ( Angul, Rourkela, Rayagada, Cuttack, Bhubaneswar, Balasore, Berhampur, Sambalpur and Keonjhar) and impact of idol immersion in water quality during Dushera at Cuttack and Bhubaneswar. G. Awareness Programmes: The Board has collaborated with different organizations in a number of seminars/workshops for public awareness regarding environmental protection. The Board regularly publishes advertisements related to environmental issues in different periodicals/news papers/souvenirs. Board imparted training to high school teachers on “ Environment & Pollution Control” at Berhampur, Rayagada and Rourkela. 99 nos. of Police personnel from various districts of Orissa State were imparted training on vehicular pollution and its control by the Board in 5 nos. of training programme. The participants have been trained on the instrumentation and methodology for vehicular pollution and noise level monitoring. With a view to generate public awareness on environmental related issues, Board organized mass awareness as well as beach clean up at Puri on Inter National Coast Clean up day. Two day-national Seminar on Environmental Laws was organized at Bhubaneswar. The Board has published following reports during 2007. >Annual Report >Water Quality of major rivers of Orissa. 18. CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES (CES): As a registered society under administrative control of the Forest and Environment Department, the Centre for Environmental Studies (CES) undertakes activities to promote environmental awareness in the State. CES is the Regional Resource agency for the National Environment Awareness Campaign (NEAC) and Nodal Agency for the National Green Corps programmes of Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India. It is also an ENVIS CENTRE under the ENVIS programme of the Ministry of Environment & Forests ( MoEF), Govt. of India. Under the NEAC programme being undertaken since 2000-01, the MoEF releases grants to NGOs through the CESs working in the area of environmental conservation, 493 NGOs during the period 2001-02, 691 in 2002-03, 577 in 2003-04, 477 in 2004-05, 526 in 2005-06, 314 in 2006-07 were supported and in 2007-08,311 organisations were selected to undertake activities related to action oriented environmental awareness. Under the National Green Corps Programme, Eco Clubs have been established in 5900 schools in 30 districts of Orissa. These include seminars, talks, debates, camps, field visits, and plantation and cleanliness exercises on issues, such as coastal eco-restoration and turtle conservation awareness. Also, CES has published books for school students on different aspects of Orissa’s environment under this programme. As a part of the ENVIS programme CES has created a database on the State of Environment related issues The Centre also maintains a website on various aspects of state of Environment in Orissa. The Centre has been selected by the MoEF to prepare Indian state Level Basic Environmental Information Database (ISBEID) in association with National Informatics Centre ( New delhi). In addition to this, the center publishes quarterly newsletter on different environmental issues of Orissa to full fill the objectives of ENVIS Centre. To promote best practices on environmental management and conservation, State Government have instituted Prakruti Mitra and Prakruti Bandhu award in the State. In the year 2007-08 , an amount of Rs.5,01,000/- has been sanctioned by the State Government towards nomination of these awards in the State. The programme is under implementation. 19. CHILIKA DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (CDA): Consolidation and strengthening of eco restoration of Chilika Lagoon- special problem grant as per recommendation of 12th Finance Commission. (i) The 12th Finance Commission have recommended Rs.30.00 crores as special problem grant for the period from 2006-07 to 2009-10. Accordingly the works under the following components have been initiated by Chilika Development Authority. 1. Participatory management of watershed. 2. Outreach programme. 3. Wetland research training monitoring and assessment. 4. Socio economic improvement 5. Biodiversity conservation land wise use of natural resources 6. Improvement of communication network. 7. Improvement of water exchange and salinity gradient and maintenance of hydrological structures. 8. Fishery Resource Development. (ii) Under the component “Participatory management of Watershed”, six micro watershed projects ( 4 in Khurda District and 2 in Ganjam district) have been taken up for suitable catchment treatment measures. This activity will cover 3000 ha of degraded area for treatment. This year ( 2007-08) the following plantation activities are taken up in the watershed area. Block plantation= 25 ha. RDF=325 ha Cashew planttion=9.7 ha Mango plantation=2.0 ha. Besides the micro watershed projects under catchment treatment programme, block plantation over 210 ha and natural regeneration measures with gap planting over 100 ha. have been raised during the year 2006-07 which are being maintained this year. (iii) Various training programme and meeting of the stakeholders have been organized in the wetland Research and Training Centre at Chandraput, Balugaon. A seminar on “Changing ecological and socio cultural scenario of Chilika Lagoon” was conducted jointly by CDA and INTACH at Wetland Research and Training Centre, Chandrapur. Awareness meetings are conducted with local NGO, school teachers, stakeholders ( fishermen) and officials from line departments at this centre. Under outreach programme, environment education programme has been taken up in 101 schools in and around Chilika lagoon to educate the school children. Backyard Coconut plantation has been completed in 10 villages covering 381 of beneficiaries. (iv) Monitoring of Chilika lagoon is carried out through collection of samples from 30 fixed sampling stations located in four ecological sectors covering entire lagoon every month. The field data is collected from Automatic Weather Stations regarding rain fall, relative humidity, wind direction and speed, minimum and maximum temperature and solar radiation etc. the Wetland Research & Training Centre at Chandraput provides research facilities in the field of limnology, marine biology, hydrology, weed analysis, ecology etc. The fish landing data is collected from eighteen fish landing stations and the data base prepared out of the monitoring system helps for the monitoring and management of Chilika Lagoon. (v) An Eco-Park is being developed at Satapada in consultation with centre for Environmental education, Ahamedabad. (vi) The communication network between Satapada and Janhikuda is continuing through ferry services. (vii) Dredging of Chilika Lake near Magarmukh and ferry channel and Balugaon channel of the Lagoon are being carried out. So far 278883.86 cum has been completed. B. Integrated sustainable management of Chilika Lagoon with fund support of Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India. This year ( 2007-08) an amount of Rs. 90.00 lakhs has been sanctioned for implementation of the action plan for conservation and management of Chilika lake, the target of which is given below: i) Catchment treatment (a) Block Plantation= 130.6 ha. (b) Gap plantation= 158.5 ha. ii) Community development. (a) Renovation of village pond= 5 Nos. (b) Drinking water facilities ( Drinking and dug well)=10 Nos. (c) Solar street light= 13 Nos. (d) Besides the above, there is provision for Bio diversity conservation, Weed control and Environment education and awareness under this programme. The works under different components are being carried out. C. Micro Watershed Development project in Banpur CD block under Khurda Dist. sanctioned by Govt. of India, Ministry of Rural development. Development of 10 micro watershed projects has been taken up by this organization under financial assistance from Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India through DRDA, Khurda. The duration of the project is 5 five years i.e. from 2004-05 to 2008-09, the project is being implemented in a participatory mode with active involvement of local community. 20. REGIONAL PLANT RESOURCES CENTRE: Regional Plant Resource Centre has gained the distinction of a leading plant conservation and Research Institute of the country. It has made significant contributions in the field of plant biodiversity conservation and assessment taxonomy, Biotechnology, tissue culture, DNA finger printing, Cytogenetic, floriculture, microbiology etc. during the last 23 years of existence. It has recently geared up kits activities in enhancing food security and generating livelihood support to tribal and rural poor by way of providing quality planting materials propagated through tissue culture, imparting training and encouraging farmers to adopt modern agricultural tools and inputs for enhanced yield. The Centre is nationally and internationally known for its significant work in commercial plant tissue culture, rich collection of cacti and succulents, roses, bamboos, orchids, rate plants and other species of botanical land economic importance. (i) RPRC has produced 2.60 lakh tissue culture banana plants in it’s laboratory out of which 1.72 lakh plant supplied to different Government organization, NGO and individual farmers. (ii) Improved variety drumstick (10,000) and Papaya (10,000) has been generated in RPRC and supplied to several district of Orissa and other State like West Bengal, Tripura, A.P. Chhatisgarh, Jharkhand etc. (iii) A total number of450 accessions of seeds of forestry land medicinal importance have collected and preserved in seed bank (iv) A seed Museum of 160 species of economic plants has been established for display and identification.. (v) 105 strains of streptomycin obtained belonging to Bhitarkanika mangroves of Orissa. (vi) 13 Research Projects are in operation at the centre funded by different funding agencies like, ICAR, DBT, CSIR, E&F Deptt. Government of India. (vii) More than 100 M.Sc. B.Tech. and B.Sc. students have been provided training in emerging area of Biotechnology. (viii) The Scientist of the Centre have brought out 32 research publications in reputed international and national journals. (ix) 10 Research scholars have been registered under Utkal University for Ph.D. degree by the guidance of RPRC.. (x) DNA finger printing of about 135 species of higher plants has been done using RAPD, ISSR and AFLP techniques for assessment of genetic diversity and derivation of phylogenetic relationship among them. (xi) RPRC has been functioning as a lead/co-ordinating Centre for research programme on Similipal Biosphere Reserve. (xii) The proposal on Establishment of a Centre of Excellence for ex situ conservation of plants of Eastern Ghats “ at RPRC is under active consideration of the Ministry of Environment & Forest, Government of India. (xiii) The Centre has taken up landscaping and garden development work for Energy Park of OREDA and OFSDP. (xiv) New children play items have been installed in the botanical garden. Materials for Speech of Hon’ble` Governor, Orissa for 2004 Forests have an important role in the economy of the State, particularly, rural S.C. and Tribal masses. Forestry activities contribute a lot to their food security and day-to-day livelihood. Forest & Environment Department are responsible for conservation and sustainable management of forests and Wildlife, afforestation and regeneration of degraded forest lands, control and abatement of pollution and administration of Environmental laws and promotion of environmental awareness among the public. This Department believes in the Philosophy of Protection, regeneration and management of forests through active participation of the local village communities. The local poors also derive maximum benefits from forest Resources and other departmental programmes like World Food Programme and Food for Work Programme. Emphasis is laid on constitution of V.S.S. for involving the local people in the Protection and Management of Forest through Joint Forest Management. Upto September, 2003, a total number of 7002 nos. of V.S.S. have been formed in the State and 6,68,894.09 ha. of Forests areas have been covered under protection by these V.S.S. A Welfare scheme has been introduced for providing financial assistance to the Kendu Leaf Workers in case of sickness and death. If a worker meets with accidental death in course of his engagement in Kendu Leaf operation, his/her next kin will be entitled to payment of a compassionate grant of Rs.10, 000/-. Similarly a Worker, who may fall ill in course of engagement in K.L. Operation, will be eligible to get the full cost of treatment upto Rs. 1500/-. State Government has also decided to provide a pair of chappals to each of approximately 9 lakh bamboo pluckers. The State Government has amended the Forest Act to enhance the punishment both physically and financially for forest offence. State Medicinal Plant Board is functioning since August 2002 for construction and promotion of medicinal plants sector in the State. During 2001-02, 9 projects were sanctioned by National Medicinal Plants Board with a project outlay of Rs.195 lakhs for three years, out of which Rs.151.00 lakhs have been received. During 2002-03, five proposals were sanctioned with a project outlay of Rs.29.5 lakhs out of which 20.25 lakhs have been released. 48 project proposals have been sanctioned with a project outlay of Rs.134.13 lakhs during the year 2003-04. Vanaspati Vana Prakalpa with a financial outlay of Rs.5.00 crore has also been sanctioned by Ministry of Health, Government of India to be implemented in our State. Restructuring of the entire forest field formation with a view to reduce overlapping functions, improving efficiency and integrating all forestry functions at the Divisional level for facilitating forestry extension activities and promotion of participatory forest management, has been effected from 1.10.2003 vide Forest & Environment Department Resolution No.1F (A) 100/2003/13228/F&E dt.08.08.2003. After reorganization, the State has 37 Forest Divisions under the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests and 12 Wildlife Divisions with territorial jurisdiction and Nandan Kanan under the Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forest (Wildlife) and Chief Wildlife Warden. Besides, there are 19 Kenduleaf Divisions under Addl.Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Kenduleaf) engaged in collection and processing of Kendu leaves. There are 8 Working Plan, one Forest Resources Survey and two Silviculture Divisions looking into preparation of working plans, resource inventory and forest research respectively. There are five training institutions, viz. One Rangers’ School, two Forest Guards Training Schools and the State Level Institute of Forestry Extension at Bhubaneswar. There are 221 Forest Ranges, l60 Wildlife Ranges. For collection and processing of Kenduleaf, there are 165 Kenduleaf Ranges. Orissa is reach in varieties of Wildlife which is a gift of the nature State have given atmost priority for their protection since last two decades. 18 Wildlife Sanctuaries and two National Parks have been notified under Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 for of both Wildlife’s. Besides one Tiger Reserve, One Biosphere Reserve (Both at Similipal), three Elephant Reserve (Mayurbhanj Mahanandia & Sambalpur) have been notified for conservation of Wildlife. At present, there are 48 species of mammals, 62 species of birds and 24 species of reptiles, in the Nandankanan Zoological Park. For providing better living facilities to the animals of Nandankanan Zoo, a water bird aviary, moated enclosures for Hyena has been constructed during 2003-04. Efforts have been taken to bring more varieties of animals and birds to Nandankanan in order to encourage visitors. Zoo at Nandankanan has been awarded “Pollution Control Appreciation Award, 2003” by the Orissa State Pollution Control Board. In order to strengthen Wildlife administration 5 Wildlife Divisions have been created during the reorganization of forest field functions this year. Again for protection of Wildlife, the state Board for Wildlife has been constituted. During 2003-04 a sum of Rs.459.20 lakh has been received as 11th Finance Commission Award and the expenditure is 100% under different schemes. JBIC-Fact finding team visited the State during April, 2004 to make an on the spot study for implementation of Orissa Forestry Development Project funded by JBIC at a cost of Rs.450 crores in a span of 5 years. For implementation of different programmes in KBK Districts, a sum of Rs.2370 lakhs has been provided out of which an expenditure of Rs.2306.37 lakhs has been incurred during this year 2003-04. Under Food for Work Programme (FFWP) and World Food Programme (WFP) 19,012.590 MTs of food grains provided during 2003-04 generating 23,69,467 mandays for taking of different works. For implementation of two E.A.P. Schemes namely (1) Orissa Forestry Sector Development Project (J.B.I.C.assisted) and (2) Capacity Buildings for Participatory Management of degraded Forests (SIDA assisted) during 2004-05 with the Budgeted outlay of Rs.2500.00 lakhs and Rs.263.00 lakhs respectively all possible steps are being taken. But provision for plantation programme in KBK Districts is Rs.2400.00 lakhs for the year 2004-05 with a target of 13,085 ha. The proposed Budgeted outlay for 2004-05 under State Plan, Centrally Sponsored Plan and Central Plan Schemes are Rs.5399.40 lakhs, Rs.364.50 lakhs and Rs.1124.70 lakhs respectively. The total target fixed for raising plantation is of 16,693 ha. Including KBK plantation during 2004-05, besides maintenance of previous plantations of 34775ha. land raised since 2003-04. Environment Wing: Government of Orissa have declared the State as Air Pollution control Area in order to empower the State Pollution Control Board to regulate and control air pollution more effectively. The State Government have so far categorized the areas of Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, Sambalpur, Berhampur and Balasore, besides declaring the Silence Zone in Five other towns to implement the Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000. The eco-restoration of Chilika Lake by Chilika Development Authority (CDA) with active support from State and Central government has been recognized by the Ramsar Bureau and Chilika Lake has been removed from Montreux Record of endangered wet-land w.e.f. 11.11.2002. In recognition of the outstanding contribution to the conservation and wise use of wet-land with active community participation, CDA has been awarded the Ramsar Wet-land Conservation Award, 2002. Under National green Corps programme of Government of India, 3000 Eco-Clubs have been constituted in the State to promote Environmental Awareness through School students. Government of India have enhanced the scope of this programme to 150 Eco-Clubs in each district. So, the process is on to include fifty more Eco-Clubs in each district. Plantations, gardens and cleaning programmes have been undertaken by Eco-Clubs. Besides competitions for drawing, quiz etc have also been organized.
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